Workshop Outline

In this workshop, you will work with other attendees to:
  ●   develop an AI strategy
  ●   articulate the first concrete steps to implement the strategy
  ●   commit to executing the steps in the next 100 days

The workshop is three hours long.
We can create more detailed and longer workshops to order.

Reflect upon the last digital revolution :
●   how has web, mobile social affected you personally ?
●   how has web, mobile, social affected the business in which you work ?
●   what has happened to the organisation that did not embrace the digital revolution ?

Time to look at some AI and LLM demos – variable for each audience.
We undertake to show three from the list below :
●   a demo of an LLM ingesting locally held PDFs and word files – interrogation in natural language
●   a demonstration of Open AI’s API, used to process emails and extract key data
●   a demonstration of next gen chatbots – conversation as an interface to your business
●   a demonstration of a system that generates voices of broadcast quality delivered in all accents
●   a demonstration of image generation and manipulation

Working in groups you will develop your own strategy.
We start by considering the longer term impact of AI.
We then work backwards to achievable actions you can implement in the next months.
At the end of the workshop you will be able to answer these questions :
●   will AI affect your business over a 5 year period the long term ?
●   what AI projects would you like your business to implement in the next year ?
●   what three concrete steps that you can implement in the next 100 days